Tips & Tricks

February Mitten Lining

The February Mitten cuff is a modified leaf lace edging by Nancy Bush. Worked horizontally, the edging is joined in a circle with a 3-Needle Bind Off and the stitches are then picked up in the straight (flat) side in order to work the hand. The stitches for the outer layer and lining are both picked up in the same location.

SET-UP / After finishing the outer mitten, it is time to pick up for the lining. Hold the mitten upside down, with the WS of the cuff folded down and facing you and the flat edge pointing up.

STEP 1 / Insert the DPN into the first stitch to the left of the seam and using the contrast color, pick up and knit 1 stitch in the same place as you picked up for the outer mitten.

STEP 1a / One stitch has been picked up.

STEP 2 / Insert the needle into the next slipped stitch of the cuff, and pick up and knit a second stitch. Continue in this manner, picking up and knitting 5 of every 6 stitches – 60 sts.

STEP 3 / After you have picked up 60 sts, arrange your needles for working in the round and begin the ribbing.

After the pick-up, knitting the lining is quite straight forward and you will complete it in the same manner as you would if you were knitting a basic mitten!

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