When thinking about judges for the Crochet Summer Crochet Something Contest (CSCSC), I wanted to choose people from the industry that we work in most (yarn/knitting), but who also had a little crochet spark. Some of our judges are crochet newbies, and some are leading the charge in bringing crochet to the wider knitting audience. They all have a crochet story to share, and we’re excited to share their stories with you!
Sara Dudek, Interweave Crochet
Sara Dudek spends her days enjoying good coffee, the Colorado mountains, and lots of fun yarn things. She has been knitting and crocheting for more than twenty years and is the editor of Interweave Crochet magazine.
Meghan Fernandes, PomPom Quarterly
Meghan is a former American transplant to London, where she lived for a decade. Now back in her native land, she is at the helm of Pom Pom in North America. While in London she wrote her MA dissertation on knitting in 20th century women's literature and worked for a publisher, a gallery, and a knitting shop, leaving her with a random but particular set of skills that could really only lead to running a knitting magazine. Her favorite things about running Pom Pom include photo shoots, testing out the cocktail recipes, and getting yarn in the mail.

Ann Shayne and Kay Gardiner, Mason-Dixon Knitting
In 2003, Ann and Kay started a blog, Mason-Dixon Knitting. As daily, obsessed knitters, they “met” on the Internet and thought it would be fun to share their profound and awesome knitting thoughts with the entire world. Before long, they found themselves amid a warm, friendly, and smart community of knitters. It was all virtual—they didn’t meet in person until 2004, after signing a contract for their first knitting book, Mason-Dixon Knitting: The Curious Knitters’ Guide. Recently, they hunkered down to turn Mason-Dixon Knitting into the site they have always craved: a delicious daily read for every knitter. You can find them online at masondixonknitting.com.

Courtney Kelley, Kelbourne Woolens
Courtney (hi!) is one of the owners of Kelbourne Woolens, whose fine blog you are reading right now. She has a background in fine art with a focus in fiber, but for the last 10 years has been slinging yarn and designing knitwear (and sometimes crochet) alongside Kate Osborn. She lives in Philadelphia with her partner and four children.
Kate Osborn, Kelbourne Woolens
Kate is the other owner of Kelbourne Woolens. She moved to Philadelphia in 2006 to attend grad school, and after some twists and turns along the way, founded Kelbourne with Courtney, finished graduate school with a Master's Degree in textile design with a concentration in Jacquard weavings, got married, had two kids, and moved to the 'burbs. She spends her (limited) free time sewing, gardening, or taking her old dogs for walks in the State Park behind their house.