appx: approximately
beg: begin(ning)
BO: bind off
bor: beginning of round
CC: contrast color
CO: cast on
cont: continue
dec(‘d): decrease(d)
eor: end of round
inc(‘d): increase(d)
k: knit
kwise: knitwise
k1tbl: knit 1 through back loop
k1f+b: knit 1 front and back of same stitch – 1 st inc’d
k2tog: knit 2 together – 1 st dec’d
k3tog: knit 3 together – 2 sts dec’d
LH: left hand
LLI: left lifted increase
m(s): marker(s)
m1: make 1 (either left or right; not specified)
m1L: from the front, lift loop between sts with left ndl, knit into back of loop – 1 st inc’d
m1P-L: from the back, lift loop between sts with left ndl, purl into front of loop – 1 st inc’d
m1P-R: from the front, lift loop between sts with right ndl, purl into back of loop – 1 st inc’d
m1R: from the back, lift loop between sts with left ndl, knit into front of loop – 1 st inc’d
MC: main color -
RH: right hand
RLI: right lifted increase
sl1: slip 1
sl1 tbl: slip 1 through back loop
sl1wyib: slip 1 with yarn in back
sl1wyif: slip 1 with yarn in front
slm: slip marker
ndl(s): needle(s)
p: purl
p/u: pick up
patt: pattern
pm: place marker
pwise: purlwise
rem: remain
rep: repeat
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
S2KP: slip 2 sts tog kwise, k1, p2sso – 2 sts dec’d.
SK2P: slip 1 st kwise, k2tog, psso – 2 sts dec’d.
skp: slip 1 st as if to knit, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over – 1 st dec’d.
ssk: slip 1 st, slip 1 st, knit 2 slipped sts together through the back loop – 1 st dec’d.
sssk: slip 1 st, slip 1 st, slip 1 st, knit 3 slipped sts together through the back loop – 2 sts dec’d.
st(s): stitch(es)
St st: stockinette stitch
tbl: through back loop
tog: together
WS: wrong side
wyif: with yarn in front
wyib: with yarn in back -
Additional Skills
w+t: wrap + turn.
Work until st to be wrapped.
RS: yarn back, sl next st pwise, yarn front, return wrapped st to left ndl; turn.
WS: yarn front, sl next st wise, yarn back, return wrapped st to left ndl; turn.
Make Bobble:
Row 1 (RS): (K1, yo, k1) in same st, turn – 3 sts.
Row 2: P3, turn.
Row 3: S2kp – 1 st.
Picking up Wraps:
– On the RS: Insert RH ndl under wrap, then through wrapped st kwise. K wrap tog with wrapped st
– On the WS: Insert RH ndl into wrap through the back, then through wrapped st pwise. P wrap tog with wrapped st.
Crochetch: chain
rep: repeat
ss: slip stitch
yo: yarn over hook

Kelbourne Woolens patterns are designed to be easy to read with just the right amount of a challenge to stay engaging. We want our designs to be fun and educational, and they are filled with tips and tricks to enhance your knitting journey.
Our designs are a little bit classic, a little bit vintage, but with a modern approach. We celebrate the rich tradition of our craft by finding inspiration in traditional techniques, silhouettes, and styles.
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