Swatching: Germantown Unicorns!

They're here! More Unicorns! The Germantown Unicorns are created using mill ends that result during the plying process. The mill selects the unique combinations, so the result is as much of a surprise to us as it is to you! We recently received an order of Germantown from the mill, which included six excellent color ways! Since the Unicorns are a little different, I thought it would be fun to swatch to show what they look like when knit or crocheted. I swatched four different colors: Persian red and rhododendron, salmon and peacock, honey and old blue, and jade and sage. For each, I wanted to show the colors in stockinette stitch and a granny square. It was fun to play around with motifs and see how the yarns looked when knit versus crocheted! Hopefully this gives you a good idea of what the yarns will look like worked up. As you can see, they all look great and are so fun! You can find the limited edition Unicorns here, the full line of Germantown here, or ask for them at your favorite LYS!

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