Navia Duo Makes a Colorwork Knitter Out of Me

Now that the holidays are over, I can finally show you the hats I made for my best friends two daughters! (Full disclosure, I made them pose for me in the middle of Christmas Day festivities, so we were having fun!) One of the frequent conversations we have in the office concerns the ability and, perhaps more importantly, the motivation to knit well and how we can continue to become better knitters. I’ve never done a lot of colorwork knitting and as a result, I’ve been really insecure about being able to do it well and then showing my work to the public. Kate and Courtney have been incredibly patient and supportive while they clue me into good colorwork knitting techniques, such as showing me better ways to carry the second yarn or how to handle a third color in the same row or why it’s important to keep those floats tidy. I decided to make the Wolfie hat by Natasja Hornby in Navia Duo. It went swimmingly! In fact, the first hat just flew off the needles, so I immediately made a second version also in Navia Duo.
The pattern is great and there isn’t a mod in sight. But honestly, I have to say that my success lies in the yarn. Navia Duo is an absolute dream to knit with. It’s woolen spun so it’s soft and it has a great bloom. The heathered colors play nicely with the solids and make the decision to pick just two colors that much harder. (Yet another reason for a second hat!)
These two hats came out so nicely that shortly after their completion, I jumped right into my first colorwork yoked sweater. Details on that sweater to come later! Lastly, if you are wondering, I found the 100% alpaca fluff pompoms at Slip Knot in Newtown Square, PA.