Kelbourne Visits Donegal Mill

As you know from Courtney’s post, in order to develop we decided we needed to visit Donegal Yarns mill. Besides the opportunity to visit Ireland, we were so excited to see the yarn actually being made.The Donegal spinning mill was established in Kilcar in the early 1900’s in response to an increased demand for woolen yarn. The area of Donegal was already well-known for an establish cottage industry of hand-spinning, knitting, and weaving. The tweedy look of Donegal yarns became such a signature of the region that it is globally recognized to this day as genuine Donegal.If you ever have a chance to tour a mill, take it! It’s so interesting to see the chronological steps of making yarn. Scouring, dyeing, washing, blending, fluffing, carding, spinning, plying, and at last, skeining; each step is so important and very detailed. Many of the workers have a long history at the mill and are 2nd and 3rd generation employees. There is a lot of pride going into their product and it shows.

We were so surprised and excited to see how they blend the yarn colors. They call it Donegal Snow and it’s magical!It was a really fantastic experience visiting the mill. We learned a lot and left with a greater understanding of yarn and it’s creation. It was also wonderful meeting the people that make this lovely yarn.

We’re so honored to be able to work with the team at Donegal Yarns, and we look forward to another visit soon! I mean, we’ll have to develop new colors again eventually, right?!

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