Our Crochet Summer has come to an end, and this coming Friday we'll be announcing the winners of our Crochet Something Contest. There were so many fantastic entries it will be hard for us to choose! We want to thank everyone who participated in Crochet Summer again this year. You guys are awesome. You can view all of the entries here.
Let's take a look at a few things you crocheted!

@teiacollier is a woman after my own heart sitting in the school pick-up line and crocheting. Idle hands are the devil's workshop!

Knitwear designer (and fellow Capricorn!) Bonnie Sennott can always be counted upon to participate in Crochet Summer. I've loved watching her lovely blue shawl come to life this summer!

Our pal Karen Peacock really blew us away with her crochet sampler sweater! It truly is a work of art. Well done, Karen!

Okay, you guys. This. This is everything. Crocheter Heidi Quick crochets keepsake dog (and cat) pillows! I'm smitten. Can I order one?

And why not crochet a fly bonnet for a horse? It's lovely! Jocelyn Tunney at O-wool designed and made this nifty and practical bonnet for her horse, and I think she may have to start a side business.

Beep, beep! Linette's got the keys to the Jeep. Vroooooom!
Our very own Meghan Kelly is working on this awesome granny square using Mojave, but I think she's put it away until next summer!
Thanks again to everyone who participated and made Crochet Summer AWESOME.
Stay tuned on Friday when we will announce the winners of Crochet Summer Crochet Something Contest 2018!