The Camper Collection and LYS Day 2021!

Yesterday we published a 7 piece collection in conjunction with the release of Camper. We love colorwork, fine yarn, and wool, and the Camper Collection is a perfect combination of all three! We're working on adding the files for download from our site, but in the mean time, you can buy the PDFs on Ravelry!

Local Yarn Store Day 2021

Visit your LYS on Saturday, April 17th, and receive a postcard with your purchase of Camper with a code for one free pattern from our Camper Collection! Check out the list below for participating shops! 614 Knit Studio, OH Apricot Yarn and Supply, CA Baa Baa Sheep, VA Babetta’s Yarn and Gifts, CA Bad Amy Knits, OH Blossburg Company Store, PA Busywork, MO Cozy, OR Crazy For Ewe, MD Darn Knit Anyway, MN Ewe and Me Yarn Shop, PA Fiber Gallery, WA Fibre Space, VA Finley the Knitting Corner, PA For Yarn's Sake, OR GarenHuis Yarn Studio, MI Grafton Yarn Store, WI Great Yarns, NC Handknit Yarn Studio, Ontario Hearts on Fiber, NC Hidden River Yarns, PA Hillsborough Yarn Shop, NC JuJu Knits, TX Kid Ewe Knot, PA Knit.1, IL Knit Knook, NC Knitapestry, NJ The Knitter's Nest, MI Knitting Off Broadway, IN Knot Another Hat, OR Loop, PA Needles in the Haymarket, VA Nina's Dept. and Variety Store, WI The Salty Sheep, NC Simply Art of Yarn, Ontario Spun, MI Starlight Knitting Society, OR Tint (A Modern Makerspace), VA The Twisted Skein, CA Village Yarn Company, IN Weird Sisters, OR Woolyn, NY Yarn Bar, MT Yarn Garden, MI Yarn Loop, TX Yarn Maven, DE Yarns and More, NY

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