Tips & Tricks

Picot Edging

We all know you can bind off using a picot edging, but did you ever think to cast on using one? This unusual shawl cast on was found in an old Norwegian pattern book in a modification of a style of shawl referred to as a Norwegian school shawl. The cast on is worked by making a chain of picots with your knitting needles, and feels rather akin to crocheting a chain. The stitches for the body of the shawl are then picked up and knit into each picot, and then the shawl is worked from the bottom up.
Step 1 / Using a knitted cast on, CO 5 sts.
Step 2 / BO 4 stitches, leaving 1 stitch on the right hand needle. One picot completed.
Step 3 /Slip the remaining stitch back onto the left hand needle.
Slip the remaining stitch back onto the left hand needle.

Repeat Steps 1-3 for your cast on!

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